These guidelines help ensure everyone on the team knows what is expected of them. Athletes are expected to abide by these guidelines; parents are expected to emphasize the importance of these guidelines and ensure they can be met.
Attendance & Scheduling:
During the main crew season (Winter conditioning and Spring season), practice is mandatory. Winter conditioning practices are held Monday through Friday and on Saturday mornings. The coach will announce the practice schedule and it will be posted on the team web site, but is typically Monday through Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. (men’s team) and 4:30-6:30 p.m. (women’s team). Saturday practices are typically in the morning. Once water training begins, practice is typically 4:15-7:00 p.m.
Please notify your coach in advance if you must miss practice. If you cannot attend practice for an unplanned reason, such as being sick, it is your responsibility to tell your coach. It is not acceptable to send a message through a teammate. Each coach will distribute their contact information and explain the most appropriate way to contact them at the beginning of the season.
Practices are rarely canceled. Practice cancellations will be announced over the PA system at school, via texts from the captains or teammates, and on the team web page.
Spring Break practices are mandatory for returning rowers and very strongly encouraged for first-year rowers. The Spring Break practice schedule will be determined by the coaches. The more you put into this sport, the more you will get out of it. Spring Break is a great time to make some of the best friends you will make throughout your entire high school experience. Spring Break not only teaches rowing, it also teaches lessons that cannot be learned in the classroom.
On regatta days, all athletes are expected to attend the entire regatta to cheer on their teammates, put away equipment at the end of the day, and clean up the erg room. Your coach will let you know when it is okay to leave the regatta.
Try to schedule any SAT prep classes, volunteer projects, and other activities so they do not conflict with practice/regatta times in the spring. Please schedule SATs for either before the season or early in the season before regattas start.
Family, health, faith, and school studies are core priorities in each athlete's life. Beyond these priorities, crew requires a large time commitment, and crew should be your top extracurricular priority.
You are aware of how much time it takes you to maintain your studies. Do not make excuses for not getting your work done outside of practice, and then miss practice to make things up. This will not be tolerated repeatedly.
Penalties for Absences:
Penalties for rowers who are absent from practice without notifying their coach OR rowers absent from Spring Break practices will be determined by the coach and may include:
If a rower is absent without proper notification on three or more occasions in a season, they may be dismissed from the team at the coach's discretion.
Be considerate and respectful of your teammates and coaches. Disrespect, abuse, or improper behavior directed towards a teammate, coach, or any member of another team will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the team. Langley Crew follows the FCPS rules regarding behavior and violations of these rules while at a crew function will be handled in concert with FCPS.
You represent Langley Crew. Please remember to conduct yourself accordingly during practice, at regattas, and at any other crew-related activities.
Practice Preparation and Workout Rules:
If you have any kind of injury that prevents you from rowing or doing land training, you will sit out of practice for that day and you must see the Athletic Trainer at LHS. This should not be considered punishment for becoming injured. Please discuss your injuries with your coaches so they can help you get the proper treatment if necessary.
Come prepared (running shoes, spandex shorts, extra clothes, rain gear) and ready to work out each day. If you don't have weather-appropriate workout clothes, you will not practice. If this becomes a consistent problem, you will be penalized. Not being able to participate due to lack of preparation is just as bad as not showing up.
As soon as you arrive at the water, begin preparing for practice by putting out the oars and setting up the coach's launch with a gas can, life jackets, megaphone and toolbox. You should be dressed and ready to start practice when you arrive at the boathouse.
Everybody must help in getting the boats on and off the water, and setting up and taking down the coach's launch each day. Your coach will let you know when it is ok to leave the practice.
Boathouse Rules:
Safety Rules:
Equipment Maintenance and Damage:
Please report loose or damaged parts to the coach daily to help prevent further breakage.
Rowers/coxswains are responsible for all intentional or irresponsible damage to equipment belonging to Langley Crew or any other group. Responsibility can mean helping repair or pay for damaged items or performing volunteer work.
Boat Selection:
The coaches use many criteria to determine lineups for each regatta. The coaches will attempt to use objective criteria such as erg scores, seat racing, and racing experience as much as possible, but they will also use other criteria such as attitude, attendance, technique, and boat-moving ability. The coaches' decision regarding lineups is final. However, the coaches are willing to discuss what areas a rower can improve upon when necessary. If you do not know why you are not in a boat, ask your coach.
The coaches aim to allow each rower in good standing to race in at least one regatta during the season. Criteria determining a “rower in good standing” include:
Not all athletes will be invited to race at the championship regattas at the end of the season [i.e., Virginia Scholastic Rowing Championships (VSRC), Stotesbury, and Nationals] due to a limited number of entries. Participation at these regattas will be based on many of the above criteria to field the most competitive boats possible. Coaches will notify athletes of their eligibility to participate in championship regattas.
Lightweight Rowing:
Only athletes registered in the VASRA Lightweight Weight Control Program are eligible to row in lightweight boats. This program will be explained to all potential lightweight athletes at the beginning of the season.
No athlete is required to row lightweight. Lightweights are eligible to compete for seats in open weight boats.
The lightweight 8+/4+ will be considered a Varsity boat if, at the coaches' discretion, the competitiveness of the crew warrants this designation.
Guidelines for Receiving a Varsity Letter:
To receive a varsity letter, you must meet one of the qualifying criteria:
Coaches may also, at their discretion, determine an athlete eligible based on outstanding effort or accomplishments during the season.
Use of Illegal Substances:
The team follows the Fairfax County Public Schools rules regarding alcohol and other substances. Langley Crew follows the FCPS rules regarding behavior and violations of these rules while at a crew function will be handled in concert with FCPS. Violations of these rules will be handled in concert with FCPS.
No alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will be permitted during the season. Use of any of these substances will be considered grounds for removal from the team.
As an athlete, you are encouraged to let the coaches or captains know if you are aware of somebody using illegal substances. Confidentiality will be maintained by the coaches.
Langley Crew reserves the right to dismiss any athlete who engages in vandalism at Langley High School, at the Occoquan, or at any away event associated with Langley Crew activities. While spray-painting a team's name or logo (tagging) is something you may see at certain racing venues, Langley Crew does not approve or condone such activities. Not only is defacing the beautiful natural scenery at racing venues like Sandy Run Regional Park an illegal activity that could result in criminal and/or financial charges, it also brings dishonor to our program.
Financial and Fundraising Responsibilities:
Athletes are responsible for participating in any team-sanctioned fundraising activities. If a rower leaves the team for any reason, funds raised by the athlete will not be returned.
It is the responsibility of the athletes and their parents to pay team dues/registration fees in accordance with the timeline indicated on the registration form.
Athletes who have not paid the Learn to Row fees will be allowed to participate in the Open House but will not be eligible for water practice.
Athletes who have not paid team dues in full by the deadline will not be allowed to attend team practices, including transport to and from water practices or regattas.
Households that have not resolved outstanding dues or fees from any previous season by August 1st will be removed from the team roster and not allowed to participate in club activities. This applies to athletes who wish to join the team as new members as well as returning athletes.
Any family with a financial need they feel would prohibit them from participating should reach out to a board member.
Parent Volunteer Responsibilities:
Parent involvement is critical to the viability of the crew program. Parent volunteers manage the program and fulfill the Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) volunteer requirements for operating the regattas. Without the thousands of volunteers, mostly parents, to operate the regattas, crew in the DC area simply could not exist. To ensure Langley Crew meets its responsibilities to the regatta program, crew parents must meet certain guidelines:
Each family is required to complete FOUR parent volunteer assignments throughout the season, with at least ONE parent volunteer assignment at our local VASRA regattas and ONE as a bus chaperone for water practice in the spring. Parents who are unable to bus chaperone are required to volunteer at a second regatta. Parents may choose between all the team's various volunteer opportunities to fulfill their remaining TWO requirements. Such activities include helping with special events or ongoing workgroups, participating in VASRA workdays at the Occoquan, assisting with launches in the pre- and post-season, and additional bus chaperoning and regatta assignments.
Except for Launch Driver positions, which require additional training, a person in reasonable physical condition can complete the VASRA regatta volunteer jobs. Examples of volunteer positions include working concession stands, holding boats at the start line, and directing boat traffic on docks. Regatta volunteer job descriptions are provided in the VASRA Information section of the Volunteers tab. Instructions will be provided on site.
VASRA imposes a $50 fine upon Langley Crew for a volunteer who does not show up or who is more than marginally late for their assignment. This fine of $50 will immediately be due to the Volunteer Coordinator from the delinquent family. A parent who cannot complete their volunteer assignment must arrange for a replacement and notify the Volunteer Coordinator of the change at least 48 hours prior to the regatta. In the case of a last-minute emergency, notify the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible. If a replacement cannot be found, the $50 fine will be levied.